The Vietnam War
In modern America, no war has presented more debate, more political change, and more social/cultural change then the conflict in Vietnam. Not since the Civil War had a conflict produced such a heightened level of divisiveness, discussion, activism, and tumult to the United States. The Vietnam Conflict was on every block, every channel, every paper, and every school campus. This course will examine and discuss the Vietnam War, the people, events and ramifications surrounding it, and the aftermath of the conflict. Specifically, how people have remembered, memorialized, reflected and learned from this complex and divisive conflict. Exploration will be given to the conflict’s colonial beginnings, and the entry of the United States into Vietnam. This course will examine both prowar and antiwar views, and actions surrounding the conflict. This exploration will include soldiers, (American, North and South Vietnamese), civilian life for both nations, pro and antiwar stances, the politics of the war, and how the conflict was presented, and still presents itself in American memory and culture.
Describe what you learned and why it's important.